Marcus Bachmann - not feeling 'super'


As that font of craziness known as Michele Bachmann fades (sigh) into the sunset, she went out the shrill, pompous ignoramus we grew to know and love over the primary campaign.

And, of course, she went out with hubby Marcus by her side.

But as Gawker pointed out this morning, he had to endure that humiliation with one of his own - a noticeable cold sore on his lips.

The gossip website put it this way:

"Poor Marcus Bachmann. The gleefully gay-seeming, possibly pushy, highly catty Christian therapist husband of Michele Bachmann suffered two humiliations this week: First, his wife called out his doggie sunglasses shopping spree on live TV. Then, the famously press-conscious fashion fiend ("All I want to know is what they're saying about me," he told New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza) was forced to stand next to Michele in the critical final moments of her campaign with a giant cold sore on his mouth! Must have been the stress. Tasteful doggie eyewear is not easy to find in Des Moines."

Is Marcus channeling Charles Nelson Reilly or Paul Lynde in this photo?


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