Orlando's Nova Center: Making Men Better Looking Through Cosmetic Surgery

Curtis M. Wong READ TIME: 7 MIN.

Beach season is once again here -- and as the temperatures surge, our quest for a trim, toned body and enviable skin tone before we hit the sand and surf returns in full force.

The summer months will no doubt mean a routine wait for the gym's treadmill and a bevy of new beauty products in the powder room, but now, more people are seeking a more permanent solution to their aesthetic concerns -- by way of cosmetic surgery. Fortunately, the possibilities for a "new you" these days are seemingly limitless.

From nose reshaping (or rhinoplasty) to Botox, cosmetic surgery may still be stereotyped as a women's pursuit, but the number of men hoping to turn back the clock and perhaps boost their self-confidence a bit is on a steady uptick. Wishing you had Abercrombie & Fitch model-style abs to rock in South Beach? Try Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction. Feeling self-conscious about your chest as you strip down for that tea dance in Provincetown? Maybe seek out a male breast reduction (or gynecomastia) procedure before your next visit.

Fortunately, Orlando's Nova Cosmetic Center offers all of these options -- and then some. As Dr. Jan V. Karlin tells us, Nova (which is dedicated to "making positive things happen by helping people look good and feel good about themselves") strives for a more personalized and "honest" approach when working with its clients.

Having practiced for 30 years and counting, Karlin took time out from his busy schedule to tell us what's hot in cosmetic surgery for both men and women, as well as dispel some popular misconceptions about going under the knife.

EDGE: What is it about your approach, and consequently the Nova Cosmetic Center's approach, to cosmetic procedures that makes it unique?

Dr. Karlin: We feel strongly about the Nova concept, which emphasizes safe, proven, aesthetic procedures performed in a spa-like setting that soothes and satisfies the client. We are committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in this field, and intend to be the first to introduce innovative aesthetic therapies as they are developed. But what we're most proud of is the quality of our person-to-person service. This is, and will always be the backbone, of our business.

EDGE: Obviously cosmetic treatments have an immediate aesthetic effect. What are some of the lesser-known benefits of cosmetic surgery (i.e. do most patients say they feel a self confidence boost, etc.)? Can you give a specific example?

Dr. Karlin: The benefits of cosmetic plastic surgery depend on the reasons for the surgery, as well as the personality and self-perception of the patient. Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that allows patients to convert flab to abs without stepping foot in a gym. The "after" results are impressive and without surgery, these results cannot be obtainable for some patients without this unique laser liposuction procedure.

Cosmetic surgery provides patients...higher self-esteem, enhanced body perception...[they feel] more accepted and often...less hindered as a result of completing surgery. Many of our gynecomastia patients are especially overjoyed with their results. After the cosmetic surgery, the male patients are able to exercise more, play sports, and wear a wider variety of clothing without being self-conscious.

EDGE: What are some of the biggest misconceptions the average American might have about cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Karlin: Largely due to overly imaginative and inventive television programs, popular urban myths and word-of mouth lingering from several decades ago, many misconceptions and myths exist about the practice of plastic surgery. One of the biggest misconceptions patients have is that liposuction is a weight loss method.

Other misconceptions prospective patients often have are that surgery has no downtime; everyone is an ideal candidate for every procedure, and is a cure all to their problems.

Complimentary consultations are designed to meet and listen to each patient to ensure realistic outcomes and expectations.

EDGE: When it comes to cosmetic surgery, how would you describe the patient/doctor relationship?

Dr. Karlin: I approach the consultation as a problem-solving experience. Listening to the problem and designing a solution for each patient that will give them the best results within their own constraints. Building a bond and a strong rapport with patients is vital.

I tell each patient what they can expect prior, during and after the surgery and what type of desired result they can look forward to. Honesty and accurate expectations are important in a strong patient/doctor relationship.

EDGE: Have you ever advised a patient against undergoing a cosmetic treatment and if so, why? What would you say are some bad reasons for choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Karlin: I have turned a handful of patients away for multiple reasons. Each patient is required to have a health screening prior to surgery to clear them for the procedure. Pre-existing health conditions is a large percentage but not the only reason. In my career, I have seen many different types of patients and many are not realistic in what the obtainable outcome will be or request a procedure that is not in their best interest.

As a surgeon, I make the final call whether the procedure fits the guidelines I feel comfortable with. Surgery is not a cure all or a solution for obtaining unrealistic expectations such as, cosmetic surgery will increase a person's chances for finding love or climbing the corporate latter. Each patient is unique and is assessed accordingly.

EDGE: What percentage of your client base are men? Which are the most popular treatments among your male clientele?

Dr. Karlin: I would say 20-25 percent of our patients are men. Men and plastic surgery has grown exponentially over the 30 years I have practiced. The top male performed procedures are nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), eyelid surgery (bleopharoplasty), Vaser Hi-Def liposuction, liposuction, male breast reduction (gynocamastia), thermage skin tightening, as well as Botox and fillers.

Men have a new attitude toward cosmetic surgery than what we've seen historically. More men are undergoing plastic surgery because of the economy specifically: There just aren't as many jobs out there. They're saying, "Anything that will give us an edge, why not?" I suspect aging men are catching on to what plastic surgery has to offer -- a boost in confidence, even in middle to older age.

EDGE: Has social acceptance of more men undergoing plastic surgery had an impact on your client base?

Dr. Karlin: Our practice has seen an increase in Vaser Hi-Def Laser Liposuction and Gynecomastia along with other non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox, Dermal Fillers, and Thermage. However, we consult with male patients for all cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures.

EDGE: Which types of procedures offered at Nova are currently the most popular, and why?

Dr. Karlin: SlimLipoLaser Liposuction is currently the most popular, along with Vaser Hi-Def Laser Liposuction.These are two of our top procedures due to the impressive after results. Patients are amazed with their contoured outcome and travel near and far for a sculpted abdomen.

We are also a full service Medical Spa, Vein Center and offer Non-Invasive treatment and Medical grade skincare: Obagi and SkinMedica which can enhance the look and feel to your skin. Visit our website to learn more about our service menu.

EDGE: Finally, what advice would you give to someone who's only casually considering cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Karlin: I highly suggest making an appointment for a surgery consultation to discuss problems and potential solutions with our Patient Coordinator to weigh the pros and cons. If there is something that surgery can correct that bothers you or hinders your well-being or happiness, then go for it!

In addition, Nova Cosmetic Center offers numerous non-invasive procedures with minimal to zero downtime. Hormone replacement therapy, which many believe lessens or even delays the onset of male aging, is also available.

LINK: Nova Cosmetic Center

by Curtis M. Wong

A Connecticut native, Curtis M. Wong currently works on the editorial team of The Huffington Post. He returned to New York City in 2009 after four years in Europe, where he covered news, features, and food and restaurants for The Prague Post, the Czech Republic's English-language weekly. A self-professed travel and pop culture junkie, Curtis' writing has appeared in The Hartford Courant, Passport Magazine and Abu Dhabi's The National, among other publications. You can check out some of his HuffPost work here www.huffingtonpost.com/curtis-wong

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