Christian Right on Newtown Massacre: Blame the Gays

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Well, that didn't take long!

Christian conservative leaders around the country have reacted to the horrific shooting that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary by blaming the event on the "lack of God" in American, which many attribute to the acceptance of LGBT rights.

Focus on the Family leader and founder James Dobson linked the horrific Newtown, Conn., shooting to gay rights in America on his "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk" radio program. The powerful right-winge evangelical Christian claimed to have inside knowledge that God "has allowed judgment to fall upon us" because the country has accepted marriage equality and abortion.

Right Wing Watch reports his words as follows:

"Our country really does seem in complete disarray. I'm not talking politically, I'm not talking about the result of the November sixth election; I am saying that something has gone wrong in America and that we have turned our back on God. I mean millions of people have decided that God doesn't exist, or he's irrelevant to me and we have killed fifty-four million babies and the institution of marriage is right on the verge of a complete redefinition. Believe me, that is going to have consequences too."

Right Wing Watch calls Dobson "perhaps the most influential right-wing Christian leader in the country, with a huge and loyal following that he can reach easily through an impressive media empire."

Dobson isn't the only Christian conservative to blame same-sex marriage for the tragic event. Salon reports that former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, on his Fox News show told viewers, "It's the fact that people sue a city so we aren't confronted with a manger scene or Christmas carol ... Churches and Christian-owned businesses are told to surrender their values under the edict of government orders to provide tax-funded abortion pills."

He later took to his website and wrote that Lanza killed over 20 children because some families have same-sex parents: "We dismiss the notion of natural law and the notion that there are moral absolutes and seemed amazed when some kids make it their own morality to kill innocent children. We diminish and even hold in contempt the natural family of a father and mother creating and then responsibly raising the next generation and then express dismay that kids feel no real connection to their families or even the concept of a family."

Perhaps this is a not-unexpected reaction from the man responsible for "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" to support the fast food franchise owner's stance against marriage equality as something that would bring ruination on the nation.

According to the Raw Story, a Tennessee pastor named Sam Morris made these remark during his sermon on Sunday:

"We get all up in arms about 20 children being shot in a day care but we don't give one good-glory rip about the 4,000 that were removed violently from the wombs of their mothers. I believe they use children and Christmas and all that to pull on our heart strings about gun control. That's what it's all about."

He also pointed his finger at public schools and said that children are taught about evolution, sex and "how to be a homo." (Please check your local school curricula for that one!)

Pastor Pat McEwen, another right-wing leader, wrote about Newtown: "We violently removed the fear of Almighty God from the hearts of our children. We expelled God from school and banished Him from the schoolyard. He was replaced with metal detectors, condoms, policemen, anti-bullying policies, No-gun zones, and violence of unprecedented order."

Yet another self-appointed spokesman for the Big Guy Upstairs, Bryan Fischer, said on his radio program that God didn't prevent the children and teachers from being murdered because is a "gentleman" who doesn't go where he's not wanted. Since the nation no longer honors God, his might shield is weakening, the man of faith told listeners.

And finally, Dave Buehner, a homeschooling advocate, said that people shouldn't be surprised at such shootings if they support same-sex marriage as yet another "rebellion against God."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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