Romney Still Opposes Gay Marriage Despite Election Loss, GOP Endorsements

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

In a recent interview with Fox NewsMitt Romney says he is still against marriage equality even though his top strategist said the former Republican presidential candidate lost the election because of his opposition to gay marriage and more and more conservatives are endorsing same-sex marriage.

Romney's confession is part of a four-minute segment that wasn't aired in Fox's original interview. The former Massachusetts governor says he hasn't "evolved" on gay marriage even though more than 100 Republicans have signed a brief that urges the Supreme Court to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. The high court will hear arguments against DOMA and Proposition 8 later this month.

"I believe that marriage is a relationship between a man and a women, and that's because I believe the ideal setting for raising a child is where there's a mother and a father in the home," Romney said. "Other people have differing views and I respect that, whether that's in my party or in the Democratic Party. But these are very personal matters. My hope is that when we discuss things of this nature, we show respect for people who have differing views."

It may not come to a surprise that Romney's views haven't changed as he opposed same-sex marriage throughout his 2012 presidential campaign. Late last month, however, one of Romney's top strategists, Stuart Stevens, claimed that the politician lost the election because Romney was strongly against marriage equality and not because his campaign failed to grasp and utilize technology, like social media.

"I don't think it's very controversial to suggest that a candidate who favors gay marriage and free contraception might have more appeal to a younger demographic," Stevens wrote. "Does anyone want to argue that free contraception is seen as a more pressing issue to your average 21-year-old than to a 55-year-old voter, or that there are more gay rights organizations on college campuses than in VFW halls?"

Still, Romney isn't alone in his views as the majority of the Republican Party opposes same-sex marriage. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) vows to spend up to $3 million to ensure that DOMA is not repealed.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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