Justin Bieber Pees, The World Watches


Justin Bieber's year of bad behavior continued yesterday when he was caught on video peeing in a custodian's bucket in a kitchen of a Manhattan club.

"That's the coolest spot to piss," one friend says on the video. "You know, you'll forever remember that."

Making matters worse, he followed that by hurling an insult at a photo of President Bill Clinton that was hanging on a nearby wall.

TMZ reported the incident, which happened earlier this year, and aired the video. It immediately went viral.

According to TMZ, Bieber and his entourage (whom he dubbed the "Wild Kidz"), were exiting a Manhattan club through the kitchen. Bieber needed to relieve himself, but instead of seeking out the nearest rest room, he did so in a bucket in full view of the kitchen staff and a smart phone camera

TMZ put it this way: "But rather than go to a bathroom like a civilized person, Bieber -- wearing pants that should literally be illegal -- whipped out his junk and whizzed into a yellow mop bucket used to clean the restaurant's floors ... meaning whoever's job it was to mop the place up had to physically change Bieber's disgusting piss water."

When he saw a photo of President Bill Clinton on a nearby wall, he sprayed it with cleaning fluid with the words "Fuck Bill Clinton."

Once the video began airing, Bieber went into damage control, contacting Clinton to apologize.

According to USA Today, "On Wednesday evening, the pop star apparently reached out to Clinton to apologize. Bieber tweeted: " @billclinton="" thanks="" for="" taking="" the="" time="" to="" talk="" Mr.="" President.="" Your="" words="" meant="" alot.="" #greatguy.'
"Clinton didn't tweet back, but we can confirm that the conversation did take place.

"Extra reports that Bieber said he was sorry for disrespecting him. The two, who have met before, were said to have had a "great conversation" and that Clinton accepted the apology.

"E! reports that Clinton said something along the lines of' target='_blank'> 'If that is the worst thing you have ever done, all is well.' And that Bieber offered to help out with the Clinton Foundation."
Bieber the Huffington Post reported "has been making fewer headlines about his music and more about his behavior recently. A Twitter meltdown, drugs on his tour bus and an insensitive message written in the guestbook at the Anne Frank House are some of the lowlights. Most recently, Bieber was banned from an indoor skydiving facility in Las Vegas after he failed to pay a $1,600 bill for him and his friends, whom staff described as 'a disrespectful bunch.'

"Bieber has attempted to defend himself by reasoning 'I'm young and I make mistakes.' His mother thinks he is a good kid just going through some changes," HuffPo continues. "'I think it's the same with any parent of an adult child,' Pattie Mallette told 'Fox & Friends' during an interview Tuesday. "You know, once they turn 18, 19, and they move away from home and they start making their own decisions. The parenting style changes and you hope to still be a voice in their ear and you."


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