Indiana Gay Marriage Amendment Debate Resuming

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Indiana lawmakers' debate over a proposed state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage is heating up again in the Statehouse.

The state Senate Rules Committee is scheduled to consider the measure Monday afternoon.

The Indiana House approved the proposal last month after nixing hotly contested language that also would ban same-sex civil unions.

The amendment won broad bipartisan support in 2011 and must pass the Legislature again this session to go to voters in a November referendum. The House's move to leave out the amendment's so-called "second sentence" that would ban same-sex civil unions could jeopardize that and delay the referendum for another two years.

Gov. Mike Pence says he supports the original proposal and has refused to comment further as lawmakers hash out the details.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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