Phone Discovered Inside Louisiana Inmate During Prison Transfer


Is that a phone buzzing in your a$$ or are you just happy to see me?

The term "butt dialing" took on new meaning April 30, when a cell phone was discovered inside the body cavity of a Louisiana man during a jail transfer, KTBS reports.

In a news release Wednesday, Caddo Parish Sherrif Steve Prator stated that an inmate is accused of attempting to smuggle a cell phone behind bars during a transfer from Madison Parish. The object was discovered when during a body scan, deputies noticed a small object in the accused rectum.

According to The Smoking Gun, the inmate, identified as 22-year old Anthony Alvey of Shreeveport, admitted to having the phone on (or in) his person after being subjected to two strip searches. He was later taken to University Health Center, where according to Prator, it was removed.

No mention was made in the report whether the phone was on vibrate mode.

Alvey was booked for bringing contraband into a penal facility.

According to Shreeveport Times, Prator used the image from Alvey's body scan to make a point about the real dangers of cell phones in prison during a meeting of the Louisiana Public Service Commission, Wednesday.

"Prisoners, they threaten witnesses on phones -- we have recordings -- and they plan more crime." Prator told the Commission. "They plan how to smuggle things in. They plan how to get out of violent crimes by talking to other witnesses. They concoct testimony. They concoct escapes. Drugs are smuggled in and hidden by work release crews all using phones."


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