Anti-Gay / Anti-Feminist Demands to Chair Board of Natl. Women's Museum

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

What kind of woman would block plans for a national museum dedicated to women's history, then turn around and demand to be on its board of directors?

After having her to plan to block the build of the National Women's History Museum on the Mall thwarted this week, Penny Nance, CEO of anti-gay group Concerned Women for America (CWFA) is demanding to chair the museum's board of directors. Right Wing Watch reports.

"Whose view of history is this going to be?" Nance told The Daily Caller.

The Caller further reports that Nance opposes the commission to oversee the build that was approved by congress this week, claiming that it will be a "rubber stamp" for a museum that she argues will place too much emphasis on pro-choice, anti-marriage and anti-family viewpoints.

A petition on the CWFA website opposing the museum states: "We cannot stand idly by while liberals prepare to indoctrinate our children with a warped version of history that highlights abortion on demand and promiscuity, while ignoring women who have fought for family values and the sanctity of life."

Efforts to appease Nance by the museum's chief Republican supporter, Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee by offering her a seat on the museum's board were rebuffed by the conservative activist, who said she would only accept an offer to lead the museum as the board's chair.

A bill to move forward with the museum was approved by the House of Representatives by a 383-33 vote Wednesday. According to Right Wing Watch only two of the eleven Republican women in the House voted against the bill -- Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri and outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.

Bachmann, who will be featured in the museum's exhibit on motherhood, pointed to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, claiming that her prominence in the museum is an example of "overwhelming bias." Further, Bachmann warned that the museum will "enshrine the feminist movement."

The Commission approved by the House intends to have the museum completed by 2020, which is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment which granted women the right to vote.

by Bobby McGuire

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