Anti-Gay Hate Group Calls on Fla. AG to Step Down in Marriage Ban Case


Claiming that she is not presenting a "vigorous defense" in the cases against Florida's ban on same-sex marriage, Mat Staver of the Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-gay hate group Liberty Counsel, is calling for state Attorney General Pam Bondi to step down.

Fresh off his failure to have the U.S. Supreme Court accept their petition to have California's ban on gay conversion therapy last week, Staver appeared in a Florida court for the second time in a week Monday in an attempt to intervene in the cases challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage. In the Monroe County case, he is representing Florida Family Action, Florida Democratic League, and People United to Lead the Struggle for Equality.

In a statement released by Liberty Counsel on Monday, Staver had harsh words about Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi's defense of the state's marriage ban.

"Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is giving only window dressing to the Florida Marriage Amendment," said Staver. Bondi sent one of her staff attorneys to argue the case against the constitutional amendment, and her office filed a short, 14-page brief only a week before the court date.

"If Attorney General Pam Bondi does not want to present a vigorous defense, she owes it to the voters of Florida to step down and allow someone else to represent the interests of the State," Staver said.

Staver also had a message for Florida's Republican Governor.

"I call on Governor Rick Scott to get off the sidelines and appoint an independent counsel who can adequately represent the people of Florida," he said.

According to Associated Press, in March, Bondi argued in court documents that recognizing same sex marriages performed in other states would disrupt existing marriage laws and "impose significant public harm."

Eight gay couples and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the state in federal court in March. The lawsuit argues Florida is discriminating against the couples by not recognizing same-sex marriages performed in states where they are legal. Attorney General Pam Bondi, a Republican who was named in the lawsuit along with fellow GOP Gov. Rick Scott and other state officials.

As reported by EDGE, last month, Liberty Counsel received a well deserved setback today when the U.S. Supreme Court passed on the Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate group's petition regarding California ban on harmful gay conversion therapy for minors.


This story is part of our special report: "Gay Marriage". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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