Fox News' Carlson Blames 'Seinfeld' for Holiday Spirit Decline

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Fox News personality Gretchen Carlson proved Monday that it's never too early to start shopping (fear) for the fictionalized "War on Christmas." Who's to blame this time for rampant secularization? You'll never believe it - - "Seinfeld."

In an exclusive interview published Monday on right-wing "news" outlet World Net Daily (WND), with actor turned senator turned failed 2008 presidential candidate, Fred Thompson, and pageant girl turned Fox News personality, Gretchen Carlson, Carlson is crying foul in July about the lack of Christmas spirit, claiming it is a sign of looming anti-Christian oppression, Right Wing Watch reports.

"Over the last decade, I do believe there has been more emphasis on trying to strip our society of certain things that have been in existence for a long time," said Carlson. "Such as lawsuits to take crosses down in the western part of our country, lawsuits to take out the word 'God' from our money or not allowing our kids to say it in their valedictorian speeches, forces pushing for atheists to lead campus Christian groups and petitions at state governors' offices during the Christmas season to put up a 'Festivus pole' - from the made-up holiday of 'Festivus' from the 'Seinfeld' TV show - next to a Christian cr�che on public lands."

Carlson added: "For me, during the Christmas season, I don't want to take my kids around in the car to see all the cr�ches in the town where I live in and hear them say, 'Mom, where are they? I don't see them anymore.'"

The Carlson/Thompson WND interview is part of press promotions the pair are doing to promote a Christian funded film the pair are featured in, aptly titled "Persecuted."

The film, which opens nationwide on July 18 in select cities, is partnered with Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-gay hate group American Family Association and The American Center for Law & Justice, whose Russian branch supported key parts of Russian President Vladimir Putin's crackdown on gay rights and civil liberties.

"Persecuted" according to press notes:

...tells the story of a modern-day evangelist named John Luther, played by Saturn Award-winning actor James Remar. Luther is the last holdout for a national endorsement to make sweeping reform in freedom of speech. As the government is mandating political correctness while covertly waging a war against religious organizations, a U.S. senator, portrayed by Oscar-nominated actor Bruce Davison, and his political allies create a sinister plan of denial and scandal to frame John Luther for murder. In his quest to clear his name, Luther will come face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that will threaten the moral ethics and freedoms of America.

The film was screened at the February 2014 National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, Tennessee and March 2014 at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.

by Bobby McGuire

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