Perkins: Gay Rights Will Destroy US Economy


We knew we could control the weather, but the economy too?

According to Tony Perkins, head of the Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC), continued expansion for the rights of LGBT Americans will be the undoing of the United States economy, Right Wing Watch reports.

"This is a threat to religious liberty," said Perkins during an interview on the weekly "Faith & Liberty Talk Show" broadcast to host Dave Garrison. "And if we lose the vibrant freedom of religion that this nation was built upon fundamental to our success as a people, we will see a rapid downward spiral of our nation including our economy. There is a growing body of evidence that makes it very clear that nations that protect religious liberty also have freer and more prosperous economy."

Perkins must not be paying attention to the free-fall decline of the Russian economy and the country's currency, the ruble.

While any correlation between the expansion of civil rights within a country and that country's economy is preposterous at best, it bears noting that since the passage of Russia's controversial "Gay Propaganda Law," the nation's economy has shrunk to the size of Spain - which has widely been considered one of the European Union's more feeble economies. In 2014, when the number of U.S. states allowing same-sex marriage grew to 35, the economy grew 3.9%.


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