Lesbians Give Her a Headache, But She Won't Take Tylenol


Maybe she can just pray that headache away.

It took less than a week, but the first call to arms by a religious right wing nut group over LGBT inclusive advertising in 2015 has been launched against the makers of Tylenol. Leading the charge is Janet Porter, president and founder of the hard right-wing Christian organization Faith2Action,Right Wing Watch reports.

Porter, who presumably will be switching over to ibuprofen or more likely store brand acetaminophen, is taking issue with Tylenol over their recent ad campaign featuring a lesbian couple in Norman Rockwell's iconic painting "Thanksgiving."

In a commentary published on the Faith2Action website, Porter says:

"Their campaign to redefine the family is giving me a headache-but I won't be taking a Tylenol.

We've all seen the beautiful Norman Rockwell paintings of a family around the Thanksgiving table. Well now, Tylenol is trying to normalize two lesbians, an ex-husband, and another adult acting as "parents." The voiceover says, "Our definition of family is now expanding and blossoming so it's not this rigid, fixed picture..."

Apparently the ideal of a mom and a dad is too "rigid" for Tylenol. They want to blossom into some kind of group marriage that reflects the desires of adults instead of what every shred of social science research shows best for children.

No Tylenol, we're not swallowing the lie."

Porter is no stranger to taking on large corporate entities over their pro-LGBT policies. In 2014, angered over what she saw as a pro-gay bias by social media giant Facebook, she launched a competition site, which she called "ReaganBook." According to Right Wing Watch, Porter quickly pulled the site after "those intent on the destruction of life, liberty, and the family" joined the outlet, which she bizarrely claimed was a threat to her freedom of speech. "ReaganBook" was later re-branded as "FreedomBook," an invite only network that in over two months of operation lists four members, including Porter.


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