Denmark Sets Michelin Record


Until now, Copenhagen has been the only Danish city to receive the attention of the Michelin guide but this year sees the launch of a new guide, Michelin Nordic Cities, allowing for Denmark's second largest city, Aarhus, to be included with three one-star restaurants.

Once again, Copenhagen sets a new record with 18 Michelin stars divided among 15 restaurants in and around the capital - compared to 17 stars to 15 restaurants in 2014. As well as the prestigious stars, Copenhagen has been awarded 10 Bib Gourmands, given to good restaurants with affordable prices.
As well as beating its own record from 2014, Copenhagen is once again well ahead of the other Scandinavian capitals this year, underlining its position as the Nordic region's gastronomic capital.

Until now Copenhagen has been the only Danish city to receive the attention of the French guide as one of five Scandinavian cities included in the 'Main Cities of Europe' guide, but 2015 sees the launch of a new guide focusing on Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The new 'Guide Michelin Nordic Cities 2015' also includes Denmark's second largest city, Aarhus, in the Michelin universe, and newcomer Aarhus boasts three one star restaurants and 2 Bib Gourmands.

"The New Nordic Cuisine is positioning Denmark as one of Europe's new gourmet destinations and more and more Danish chefs have ambitions and skills which are internationally recognized," says Bruno Bedholm, Director, VisitDenmark USA. "This year, Copenhagen once again solidifies its position as gastronomic capital of the Nordic region. Exciting also to see Aarhus entering the Guide Michelin universe. I hope that the Michelin rating of restaurants in Aarhus will be the first step of redrawing the culinary map of Denmark and that restaurants from other parts of the country will find their way into 'Michelin Nordic Cities' as the guide concept develops in the years to come."

Mr. Bedholm adds that there are a number of restaurants across the country which Danish food critics and others who are in the gastronomic know regard as having Michelin star potential. Several Bib Gourmands would be granted as well, if the Michelin Guide should consider a gastronomic tour in other parts of the country.

Several events are on the horizon for 2015 that will appeal to those wishing to further experience Nordic cuisine:

The Copenhagen Cooking Festival, which is the largest of its kind in Northern Europe, takes place for the eleventh time this summer and is expected to draw more than 100,000 visitors to Copenhagen.
August 21-30, 2015

The FOOD Festival takes place for the fifth time in 2015 in Aarhus, September 4-6. The organizers are busy planning the programs for this year's ambitious food festival and are delighted that the Guide Michelin 2015 has re-confirmed Denmark's strong position as a gastronomic frontrunner and a 'must go' destination for foodie lovers worldwide.

Coming this May, Americans can get a taste of the Danish star-studded restaurant scene, when Scandinavian star chefs visit New York City as part of the NORTH Festival. Los Angeles will host a similar event next fall.


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