Only in Florida: Man Shoots Sister For Making Penis Cake


A birthday joke that involved a penis shaped cake ended in bloodshed, tears and an arrest when the 21-year-old recipient of the cake shot the baker in the buttocks with a BB gun. Get this: they're related.

Only in Florida.

Click Orlando reports Christopher Taft of Holly Hill spent his 21st birthday in jail after shooting his sister in the buttocks with a BB gun as retaliation for baking him a birthday cake in the shape of a penis.

According to WTSP, Taft told police he thought it would be funny to shoot his sister as a joke and did not intend to hurt her.

The BB fired into Taft's sister's buttock became embedded in her skin. She refused to be transported, saying she would go to the hospital herself, police said.

Taft was charged with aggravated battery and battery and was taken to Volusia County jail. notes that the police report did not disclose the flavor of the penis-shaped cake or whether or not it was cream-filled.


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