Statement From Fire Island Invasion Organizer: The Show Will Go On


Tom Hansen, organizer of Fire Island's favorite summer tradition, "The Invasion of the Pines," issued a statement today regarding 2015's event scheduled for Saturday, July 4.

Enveloped in controversy stemming from OUTPost Fire Island Pines' partner Ian Reisner and his now infamous "fireside chat" with anti-gay Republican 2016 presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, Hansen (aka Panzi) put to rest concerns that the 40th Invasion of the Pines wouldn't go on as scheduled.

Hansen's Statement posted on Facebook Tuesday read:

The schedule for the 40th Invasion of the Pines had been set weeks ago, and has not changed ..... we will leave the Grove as scheduled and arrive in the Pines harbor around 2 PM. We will disembark, and return to the Grove as we are encouraging people to come back and support the Grove, which has been hurt as a result of the awful fire.

The Invasion has developed into an historic, inter-community event, that has fostered a great relationship between the Pines and the Grove - and this will not change. People come from all over the country and even the world to take part in our great tradition - planning their vacations at a great expense. The residents of both Communities take great joy in the celebration on the docks. This year as the 40th, I planned a spectacle that will hopefully surprise and delight all. I want to host a day of creativity, joy, diversity and most importantly, of high camp. ....and now with the Supreme Court Ruling on same-sex marriage - we have much to celebrate

This year there is great controversy swirling about, that I have been pulled into. As difficult as it is, I have to separate my personal feelings from the Invasion ... which has a life and a voice all its own. Cancelling the Invasion would mean the beginning of the end of a great Tradition (sic) - this is no exaggeration - and I am not willing to risk losing this great day after fostering it with love for four decades. It would be a huge insult to the residents of the Pines, who spend a great deal of money to welcome us. The security, the sound system, the welcome carpet, etc --- they are not free!

The Cherry Grove people LOVE to watch the parade of participants as they walk from the Ice palace to the boats - and to cheer us on as we go to "Invade" our neighboring community. The Pines welcomes us with open arms and much fanfare! The "Invaders" love to be announced as they disembark the boat, being greeted by thousand of fans - this just could not be done in the small dock area around the Grove - it just would not work.

What I am trying to say is that the only ones who would be hurt in any way by cancelling (sic) the Invasion would be ourselves, the residents of the Grove and Pines, and our friends and visitors from elsewhere. We cannot let people who work against us ruin our traditions ... Invading the Pines is in NO WAY a sign of support for Ian Reisner - it is a slap in his face - one that is well deserved!

The Invasion is expected to begin at 2 p.m. when two ferries full of drag queens from Cherry Grove arrive in Fire Island Pines' harbor. As per tradition, following the procession off the boat, OUTPost Fire Island Pines partner PJ McAteer has extended free drink privileges to anyone in drag at all of Fire Island Pines bars and clubs until 4:00 p.m. $1500 will be awarded to the "best in drag" at 5:00 p.m.

Now in its 40th year, the annual Invasion of the Pines had its start under less than auspicious circumstances.

During the summer of 1976, a restaurant in the more affluent and then-conservative Fire Island Pines denied service to a visitor from Cherry Grove named Terry Warren who arrived in drag. When Warren's friends in the Grove heard what happened, they put on their best drag, chartered a water taxi and headed over to the Pines. The boatload of drag queens led by Panzi arrived in the Pines harbor on July 4, 1976 to a surprised, but exuberant welcome. The event has been repeated every year since and has become an economic boon for the Pines bars and nightclubs which benefit from the thirsty crowds.

Putting a damper on this year's post-Invasion celebration, is the ongoing controversy surrounding a boycott of the community's commercial properties over a fund raising event co-hosted its new owner Ian Reisner. And while the economic impact of the boycott remains debatable (sources in the Pines say the venues remain crowded during the daily tea dances), there is a contingent that would prefer not to spend their money in the Pines while Reisner still has a stake in the businesses there. The boycott was also cited as a reason for moving the annual Ascension Party, which relocated this year to Mykonos in cash-strapped Greece.


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