Get a Straightjacket: Harlem Hate Pastor Loses It in Front of Church


In a stunning example of "I know you are but what am I?" logic, Harlem hate paster James David Manning had what can only be described as a meltdown in front of his church Tuesday, interrupting a candlelight protest by Harlem Against Violence and Homophobia.

As protesters chanted "stop the hate now!" in front of his Harlem church, Manning appeared behind its iron fence to address the protestors.

"What hate are you talking about?" Manning asked the group. "Are you talking about your own self-hatred? It appears to me that you're the haters. You are the haters. You hate yourselves. Anybody who loves another man's rectum is a hater!"

Just as a refresher for those unfamiliar with Manning, in the past, he has called President Obama a "sodomite," called for the execution of LGBT Americans, asserted that Starbucks "uses sodomite semen in their lattes" for flavor, and claimed that Justin Bieber is a transgender man. The list goes on.

As for Tuesday, when it became apparent that the protesters wouldn't yield the floor to him, he pulled out all of his crazy stops.

"Come on you faggots! All you lesbos! All you perverted people! All you dung eaters! Come over here? Do you think your chants are going to stop me?" he shouted. "You can no more stop me than you can stop the power of the blood of Jesus. I declare the blood of Jesus against you faggots, you lesbos, you perverts, you sick-minded people. [..] Your breath stinks of another man's buttonhole!"

Manning's tantrum was captured by his group and proudly posted on their YouTube channel.

The ATLAH World Missionary Church has been designated an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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