Hate Group Leader Invents 'War on Thanksgiving'


Mat Staver, head of the anti-gay hate group Liberty Counsel took time out of his busy schedule of photo bombing Kim Davis to stir up a little non-existent drama - the "War on Thanksgiving."

In a 1-minute audio report posted on right wing website Barb Wire, Staver warns of this very unreal non-threat to religious liberty.

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday historically set aside to thank our Creator for His many blessings. This time is easily overtaken with turkey, pies, and football, which can distract us from focusing on Christ's provisions in our lives.

Liberty Counsel recognizes that Thanksgiving is a religious holiday. Despite society's attempt to minimize religious expression and the Christ-centered focus of this holiday season.

If your religious rights are being challenged this Thanksgiving Day, or Thanksgiving time, contact Liberty Counsel at 407-875-1776.

"What? Since when is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?" wrote one Barb Wire reader. "Remember, these Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution (one Protestant religion on another Protestant religion) but they were celebrating making it through the previous winter and nothing to do with Jesus, the Bible or any of that nonsense. It was a matter of survival."

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