FBI Fails to Find Evidence that Orlando Gunman Had a Secret Gay Life


Despite numerous reports of clandestine boyfriends and accounts on gay hookup apps and websites, sources from the FBI said Thursday that there is no evidence that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen had a secret gay life.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that after scouring over Mateen's laptop and cell phone, there is no evidence that the mass murderer used gay apps, looked at gay porn or had boyfriends. Similar reviews of the electronic devices of men who said they communicated with Mateen on gay hookup apps have also produced no link.

According to the Sentinel, federal investigators are continuing to follow leads about the gunman's reported interest in gay clubs and gay men.

While the FBI has failed to find any text messages, photos, gay porn on Mateen's devices, one man is standing by his claim that he communicated with Mateen on Grindr prior to the shooting. The LA Times reports that Cord Cedeno is accusing the FBI of trying to "cover up" something about Mateen, although it is not exactly clear what they would be covering up. �He also accused the FBI of letting the massacre happen.

"They let him go. They let him do this massacre. They could have arrested him. It just does not add up," Cedeno told the newspaper.

The FBI's lack of findings also conflict with the report of a man who used the name "Miguel" wearing a disguise during a Univision interview. Miguel claimed that he had sex with Mateen and that the gunman acted out of revenge.

The FBI does not consider "Miguel" to be credible.

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