Toledo Baker Denies Lesbian a Birthday Cake


Bakery bigotry, it's not just for weddings anymore.

An anti-LGBT Christian baker from Toledo upped their confectionary terrorism game last week when they refused to bake a birthday cake for a customer after they found out she was a lesbian. TV station WTVG reports.

Newlywed Candice Lowe ordered a birthday cake for her wife who she married two weeks ago. While on her honeymoon, she received a text message from the owner of Take the Cake Bakery in Toledo informing her that they were cancelling the order.

"After she (the owner) saw my Facebook page, she found out that I was in a same-sex marriage and she could not do my cake."

Since marriage equality laws started to change leading up to the Supreme Court decision legalizing it nationally, headlines have been filled with bakers, photographers and florists who refused their services on the grounds that same-sex marriage was forbidden by their religion. Now apparently that level of religious objection has been extended to birthdays.

"It wasn't a wedding cake, it was just a birthday cake," Candice said. "A birthday cake has nothing to do with your sexual preference."

Predictably, when news of the bakers' bigotry broke, their Facebook page was flooded with comments.

"This is amazing. Typically, the refusals to provide a cake is with respect to the wedding ceremony - the premise being that the baker is then actively participating in the ceremony which the baker who is refusing service thinks is participating in and validating the "sin." Merely providing a birthday cake seems different, and I have been unaware that anyone has refused selling a BD cake to a same-sex couple. Having a birthday I'm pretty sure is not a sin and seems quite distinguishable from a wedding ceremony. Take-A-Cake Bakery won't get any of my business."

"This is 2016. There are gay people, and there are people who support them. The amount of gay people, and people who are supporting the LGBT community, is growing, and becoming much larger than the people that don't support them. You're business will fail. Congrats! You'll realize that you lost your business because you're a petty homophobe."

"Just wait until you need medical attention some day. There are more gay medics, nurses, techs, etc. than you can imagine. I hope they refuse to help you. You are disgusting."

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