Gay Conversion Therapy Billboard Prompts Reverend to Launch Pride Event


A billboard advocating ex-gay therapy in Waco, Texas is coming under fire by a local reverend.

The billboard, which was paid for by ex-gay "support group" Parents and Friends of Gays and Ex-Gays (PFOX), has prompted the pro-LGBT clergyman to plan a pride event to counter the harmful message.

On 19th and Reuter in Waco, Texas a billboard reads: "Ex-Gays prove change is possible." The billboard, plugs the website for the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, group that touts itself as being "principled advocates for persons experiencing unwanted homosexual attractions." The website, which functions as a front for the National Association for Research & Treatment of Homosexuality, a group that has come under fire by the American Psychological Association and the Southern Poverty Law Center for advocating gay conversion therapy.

"Ex-gays implies there's something wrong with gay, lesbian, and transgendered people," said Reverend Charley Garrison of Central Metropolitan Church Central Texas�to local NBC affiliate NewsWest 9.

"I understand why someone would be drawn to that sort of billboard. Ex-gay therapy does not do any good and in fact, can do harm in increasing the suicide rate in the LGBTQ community," Garrison continued.

Garrison had considered raising funds to put up a billboard to counter PFOX's message, but thought launching a local pride event would be a better way to spend the money.

"I believe there are a lot of people who share my opinion that there is nothing to be fixed. So what I was hoping for was a response that could celebrate the LGBTQ community instead of trying to fix it," Garrison said.

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