Test Yourself for STDs At Home With GetTested.com


The UN calls it "one of the biggest threats to global health," due to antibiotic resistance infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis may soon become incurable. In 2014, gay and bisexual men accounted for 83 percent of primary and secondary syphilis cases -- and a new video uncovers the reasons why so many Americans do not get tested for STDs.

GetTested.com, a new at-home STD testing service, asks straight, gay, and bisexual men and women about their safe sex habits and experiences with STD testing. Testing and proper treatments are vital to stopping the spread of infection, however, the video shows how societal stigma towards sex and STDs prevents many from practicing safe sex.

The LGBT community is disproportionately affected by STDs. Gay and bisexual men make up an estimated 2 percent of the population, but 55 percent of the total population living with HIV in the United States. If current diagnosis rates continue, 1 in 6 LGBT men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime.

In response, GetTested.com is launching #STDsHappen, a social media campaign that encourages an open conversation about the reasons why individuals do not get tested or do not talk about testing with their partners. Having an open and honest conversation about STD testing may seem difficult, but the ramifications of an STD or unknowingly infecting a partner is much worse.

STD stigma and a lack of high quality sexual education has far-reaching consequences. Misinformation about safe sex practices and STD-shaming has spurred an epidemic of sexually transmitted infections in the U.S. After years of decline, STD rates have skyrocketed in the last two years. To start a real and honest conversation about STDs, GetTested.com is launching #STDsHappen, with a video that uncovers the real reasons why people do not get tested or demand safe sex from their partners.

Each year, 20 million people are infected with STDs in the U.S. Many of these STDs are manageable, if not curable -- a message that is often left out of the conversation. A general lack of knowledge about safe sex practices and STD-shaming have perpetuated a serious health crisis within the United States.

The social media campaign #STDsHappen encourages an open conversation about safe sex and encourages individuals to protect themselves and others, by undergoing STD screenings and talking to their partners about testing. Having a frank conversation about STD testing may seem difficult, but the ramifications of an STD or unknowingly infecting a partner are much worse.

The campaign includes a video that asks real people about their experiences with STD testing and the societal stigma surrounding sex. The video reveals that although some people may be proactive about testing, they generally do not safeguard their health by asking their partners about getting tested.

"Each new partner increases your risk of an STD. Many people put their health at risk simply because they are afraid or embarrassed to have a conversation about testing," says Hannah Dela Cruz, spokesperson for GetTested.com. "A healthy relationship starts with safe sex. Our initiative encourages individuals to get tested and have a healthy discussion about STDs."

Launched in September 2016, GetTested.com is a new service that delivers at-home STD test kits nationwide. Test kits can be ordered online and are delivered in unmarked, discreet packaging. Samples can be collected within 10 minutes and mailed directly to a CLIA certified and CAP accredited laboratory for testing. Individuals are notified of the availability of their results via email within three to five days. Individuals can login and access these results online through a HIPAA compliant portal.

Male and female specific lab kits screen for seven of the most common STDs, eliminating uncertainty and allowing individuals to take charge of their sexual health. Samples can be collected in less than 10 minutes, and diagnoses are delivered electronically within a few days. Created in partnership with a CLIA certified and CAP accredited laboratory, GetTested ensures rapid but accurate results delivered to consumers' fingertips through a HIPAA compliant portal.

For more information, visit https://gettested.com.


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