GMHC Launches Gender Pronoun Campaign During Transgender Week of Remembrance


GMHC launched a preferred gender pronoun social media campaign during National Transgender Week of Remembrance and Resilience (TWOR), which is November 14 to November 20. The campaign consists of graphics created by and featuring GMHC staff members explaining why being cognizant of an individual's preferred gender pronouns is important to them and how it helps to make GMHC a safe space.

The initiative is part of a larger, ongoing campaign to make GMHC not only a safe place, but also a good place for people of Trans experience and people who are gender non-conforming.

With preferred Gender Pronouns (PGPs), people can request that others refer to them with traditional pronouns (he, him, his or she, her, hers), the plural pronoun "they," or other options such as ze, hir, or hirs. In conjunction with the campaign, the entire GMHC staff was trained last week on incorporating preferred gender pronouns in their work at the agency The training was led by GMHC's Translatina Assistant Director of Policy, Cecilia Gentili.

"As a Translatina, one of the lifelong challenges I've faced is finding employers, organizations, and communities that respect my identity," said GMHC Assistant Director of Policy Cecilia Gentili. "I'm proud to work in a place that demonstrates a commitment to empathy and equality for Trans people every day, including in the workplace."

GMHC has recently adopted a preferred pronoun signature policy, where employees can include their gender pronouns in their email signature and on staff ID cards.

CEO Kelsey Louie's signature, for example, reads:

Kelsey Louie, MSW, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Pronouns: he, him, his

"It is essential that GMHC's internal operations reflect our values," said GMHC CEO Kelsey Louie. "Preferred gender pronouns play an important role in creating a safe space that is accessible to all of our clients, staff and visitors. We hope that our use of preferred gender pronouns will encourage other institutions to take similar steps."

To view the ad campaign, click here.


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