NOW-NYC Protests NYPD Captain's Comments on 'Acquaintance Rape'


On Tuesday, January 10 at 1 p.m., NOW-NYC will gather at the 94th Precinct in Greenpoint, Brooklyn to denounce comments made by NYPD Captain Peter Rose, dismissing the seriousness of rape cases in which the perpetrator's identity is known to the victim.

Captain Peter Rose, Commanding Officer of the 94th Precinct, stated that an increase in rapes in his precinct is "not a trend that we're too worried about because, out of 13, only two were true stranger rapes." Captain Rose went on to say that "They're not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets. If there's a true stranger rape, a random guy picks up a stranger off the street, those are the troubling ones. That person has, like, no moral standards."

"These comments are outrageous," said Sonia Ossorio, president of NOW-NYC. "Acquaintance rape is as horrific a crime as stranger rape. That's what the law says, and that's what we expect our law enforcement officials to understand."

"Most rapes are committed by perpetrators whose identity is known to the victim," Ossorio continued. "If police are failing to take acquaintance rapes seriously, they are failing to take most rapes seriously."

"The worst part is that this mentality is widespread in our criminal justice system," said Jane Manning, Director of Advocacy for NOW-NYC's partner organization, Women's Justice NOW. "This captain said something out loud that far too many law enforcement officials believe and put into practice. This means worse treatment for victims who report sex crimes to the police, less effort and fewer resources devoted to investigating sex crimes, and higher chances that sexual predators will get away with their crimes so that they can attack again."

Sonia Ossorio announced that NOW-NYC would be protesting outside the 94th Precinct on Tuesday, January 10, 2017. "It's time to fight back," Ossorio stated. "We want to hear directly from the Police Commissioner about how he will ensure that every commanding officer in every precinct takes EVERY rape seriously."

NOW-NYC advocates for the women and girls of New York, by working to defend reproductive rights, fight economic inequality, and end discrimination and violence against women. As the largest NOW chapter in the country, they play a key role in shaping both the local and national debate on the issues that impact women. Women's Justice NOW is NOW's charitable partner organization, supporting their public education and outreach efforts and providing legal help and referrals to women in need.

The protest will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at the 94th Precinct Greenpoint, 100 Meserole Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11222. (G to Nassau or L to Bedford)

Call the NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill at 646-610-5410 and demand that NYPD take rape seriously and instruct Captain Peter Rose to put full resources into investigating ALL rape cases. Tweet Commissioner O'Neill at @NYPDONeill and tweet the 94th precinct at @NYPD94Pct

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