Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for End to Homophobia and Transphobia


Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced a Congressional Resolution in support of the goals and ideals of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The resolution was introduced with more than 50 original cosponsors.

"Over the past decade we have made tremendous progress against hatred, exclusion, bigotry, violence and discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community," said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "Sadly, homophobia, transphobia and discrimination against the LGBT community is a reality that persists across the nation and around the globe. We need look no further than the atrocities in Chechnya for proof that ensuring the safety and health of our LGBT family and friends must remain our highest priority."

"As we mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, my resolution shows the terrible effects of anti-LGBT violence, homelessness and health disparities, especially related to mental health, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS," continued Congresswoman Lee. "This resolution is another step in the direction of full equality and acceptance for all."

Congresswoman Lee is a member of the Budget and Appropriations Committees, Vice Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, former co-chair of the Progressive Caucus and a Senior Democratic Whip. She also serves as chair of the Democratic Whip Task Force on Poverty.

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