June 5, 2017
June 5 is HIV Long-Term Survivors Day
Eric Brus READ TIME: 3 MIN.
HIV Long-Term Survivors Day (HLTSD) is commemorated on June 5 -- the anniversary of the day in 1981 when the CDC reported the first cases among gay men of a mysterious illness that would later become known as AIDS. According to its website, HLTSD celebrates "those who have defied the odds by living with HIV for decades. June 5 is about coming together and realizing that we are not alone."
In 2017, nearly 60 percent or all people living with HIV in the U.S. are over 50 years old, and by 2020, this proportion is projected to increase to 70 percent. The theme of HLTSD 2017 is 'HIV-resilient': "Our focus is on ensuring that HIV long-term survivors are front and center in the current HIV dialogue."
To help commemorate the day, we've compiled an annotated list of online resources focusing on HIV long-term survivors.
Eric Brus writes about HIV policy. His HIV/AIDS Disparities Report is produced by the New England AIDS Education and Training Center Minority AIDS Initiative Project. The full version is available here.