NOM Plans 2018 Hate March After Drawing Fewer than 50 to DC This Year


Despite drawing fewer than 50 participants this past June at his annual March for Marriage in Washington, D.C., Brian Brown, head of the anti-LGBTQ National Organization for Marriage announced Thursday that the hate show will go on again in 2018.

In an email sent to NOM followers on Thursday, Brown wrote: "The annual March for Marriage is an important milestone in our ongoing efforts to restore marriage to the law. It provides us an opportunity to remind the Supreme Court, our elected officials and the American people that marriage was wrongly redefined in an illegitimate, anti-constitutional ruling in 2015."

Per usual, Brown turned the announcement into a money grab for his cash-strapped organization.

"Putting on the annual March is an expensive undertaking, and we would appreciate any support you can provide," Brown wrote. "If you are able, please also consider becoming a Sustaining Member of NOM by pledging a monthly donation to us of any amount you choose. The revenue from Sustaining Members provides a stable base of funding that helps us plan for activities like the March for Marriage."

Attendance for NOM's annual March for Marriage has been in a free-fall in past year. In 2014, despite reporting that there were 10,000 participants in DC, eyes on the ground counted between 1,200 and 1,500 participants. That number sharply shrunk to precisely 237 "marchers" in 2016 when the event returned to the nation's capital following a year of legalized same-sex marriage. 2017 saw less than 50 people show up.

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