On Eve of WAD, NYC Recognizes Latino Commission on AIDS


On the eve of World AIDS Day, the NYC Council led by Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito presented a proclamation in recognition of the work of the Latino Commission on AIDS.

Tomorrow is December 1st/World AIDS Day, we will come together to honor all of those that passed due to AIDS, and celebrate the progress we have made in advancing treatment, promoting prevention, and empowering those living with HIV and AIDS to live longer and healthier lives-free of stigma and discrimination.

The Latino Commission on AIDS remains committed to advocate for policies, resources, and community partnerships to end the AIDS epidemic, in all 50 States, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Washington, DC.

"The Latino Commission will continue to address the health challenges that create barriers for our communities to access HIV testing, treatment, prevention services and care. We are grateful to count with elected officials in New York who care about our communities' wellness and ending the AIDS epidemic by 2020," stated Guillermo Chac�n, President of the Latino Commission on AIDS and founder of Hispanic Health Network.

For more information, visit www.latinoaids.org

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