Pride Flags to Fly Again at US Embassies Around the World

Emell Adolphus READ TIME: 1 MIN.

The United States is once again embracing the LGBTQ pride flag in a symbolic move announced by the State Department.

As reported by Foreign Policy, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has moved to allow U.S. diplomatic missions around the world to fly the Pride flag on the same pole as the American flag. The action reverses a Trump-era policy that rejected all requests to do so.

"According to the cable and a State Department official, Mr. Blinken authorized diplomats to fly the pride flag before May 17, which is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, and to continue their display at diplomatic outposts through the month of June," Foreign Policy reports.

However, flying the flag is not a requirement, and Blinken noted that chiefs of the missions should "determine that such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions."

During his confirmation hearing in January, Blinken vowed to protect LGBTQ rights and turn back some of the Trump administrations actions against LGBTQ equality.

"We've seen violence directed against LGBTQI people around the world increase. We've seen, I believe, the highest number of murders of transgender people, particularly women of color, that we've seen ever," said Blinken. "And so I think the United States playing the role that it should be playing in standing up for and defending the rights of LGBTQI people is something that the Department is going to take on and take on immediately."

by Emell Adolphus

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