Migden honored by Equality California


The president of AT&T, an actress/comedienne and a former California state senator will be honored at the San Francisco Equality Awards celebration Feb. 14 inside San Francisco City Hall.

The Valentine's Day event will mark the fifth anniversary of the start of same-sex marriages in the same building.

AT&T's Kenneth P. McNeely, who serves on numerous boards including California Foundation ion the Environment and the Economy, SFMOMA and San Francisco Ballet, will receive the Equality Leadership Award. Former state Senator Carole Migden, defeated in last year's primary race by former Assemblymember Mark Leno, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. Migden began her political career serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and served as chair of the SF Democratic Party for eight years.

Multiple Emmy Award winner Wanda Sykes will be the Mistress of Ceremonies. The night's calendar calls for a silent auction and reception starting at 6 p.m., dinner and awards at 7, and an after party at 9 p.m.

Ticket and sponsorship information is available at www.eqca.org. Proceeds benefit Equality California.


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