Lesbians Celebrate Marriage By Kissing in Front of Duggar House


Hey you lesbians, get off my lawn!

In a move almost guaranteed to make Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of TLC's reality series "19 Kids and Counting" invest in tall hedge or new curtains, a pair of lesbian lovebirds returned to Arkansas for a second smooching photo op in front of the Duggar homestead with their newly obtained marriage certificate in hand.

Radar Online reports that on March 1, Texas couple Tandra Barnfied and Samantha Muzny, two days after begin wed in Oklahoma, celebrated their nuptials by staging a photographed kiss while holding their marriage license in front of the home of Arkansas' most famous anti-gay mega family - The Duggars.

Last week's kiss is the second time Barnfield and Muzny puckered up in front of the Duggar's Arkansas digs. In January, the pair reverse photobombed the Duggar house by kissing in protest to the Duggars involvement in having a local LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance overturned.

The Daily Mail reported in January that the gay couple, who have three children, were visiting relatives in Tontitown, Arkansas, when they decided to stop and have a photo taken of them kissing outside the Duggar's home.�

"My cousin lives just a few doors down from the Duggars. When we saw the house, it just lit a fire underneath us," Barnfield told Radar . "I said, 'Let's go make out!' My sister took the photo."

"It's a good feeling. We are a proud married couple," a newly wed Barnfield told Radar. "We continue to move forward despite the Duggars' long, hard efforts to put a stop to gay marriage."

In spite of their dislike of the Duggars' anti-LGBT actions, the pair admits to watching their reality show.

"We love the Duggars, we watch their show all the time," Barnfield said. "I also have morals and love God. They sit there and say they love everybody too, but then they fight against my rights."


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