Speeding Banana Causes Penis Injury in Bizarre Drive-by Incident


A Massachusetts man became the victim of a bizarre drive-by incident involving a high-speed banana that left him with injuries to his penis that required medical attention, Metro reports

According to police, the victim was found lying on the side of the road near a convenience store in Westfield, Mass. When asked about his injuries, he said that he was hit in the genitals by a banana thrown from a speeding car window.

"[The] male party stated he was 'struck in the banana by a banana,'" stated the police report taken by Officer Richard Mazza.

According to WT24, the injured man was taken to Noble Hospital, where he was not admitted, but did get a sick note giving him off work for the following day.

The Mirror UK writes that local police haven't been about to find any evidence to back up the projectile banana claim.

In Officer's Mazza's words, the search for the rogue banana was "fruitless."


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